Monday, June 11, 2012

Prediction: Necrophiliac and Sexually Violent Penguins Will Help Set Liberal Agenda For Years To Come

Hey kid, do you like Gladiator Movies?

Necrophilia is Somehwat Common in Penguins - Will Libs Say It Is Just Natural?

Yes, they will.

Liberals and Gramsicans will use the existence of necrophilia and sexual coercion (violence) in the Penguin community (culture?) to make the case that such behavior is normal. 

Just you watch.

From Yahoo News:
During their journey, Levick observed and recorded details on the lives of the Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) colony on Cape Adare. He even recorded the very first penguin at the colony — the world's largest of this species — on Oct. 13, 1911.
"Some of the things he noticed profoundly shocked him," Russell said. For instance, Levick noted the penguins' autoerotic tendencies, and the seemingly aberrant behavior of young unpaired males and females, including necrophilia, sexual coercion, sexual and physical abuse of chicks, non-procreative sex and homosexual behaviors
At the time, Levick was so shocked by what he saw he recorded the events in Greek to disguise the information, at one point writing, "There seems to be no crime too low for these penguins."
For instance, on Nov. 10, 1911, Levick wrote in Greek (translated here): "This afternoon I saw a most extraordinary site [sic]. A Penguin was actually engaged in sodomy upon the body of a dead white throated bird of its own species. The act occurred a full minute, the position taken up by the cock differing in no respect from that of ordinary copulation, and the whole act was gone through down to the final depression of the cloaca."
In another entry, this one written in English on Dec. 6 of that year, he wrote: "I saw another act of astonishing depravity today. A hen which had been in some way badly injured in the hindquarters was crawling painfully along on her belly. I was just wondering whether I ought to kill her or not, when a cock noticed her in passing, and went up to her. After a short inspection he deliberately raped her, she being quite unable to resist him."
Hmm. She was terribly wounded, and perhaps dying, and the male penguin used it as an opportunity to rape her.

We already see this behavior manifested in the agenda of the Left. That's pretty much the same way Obama is treating the American citizens with regard to Unemployment and the Economy in general.




  2. Levick's observations were somewhat naive. Reports from other, more experienced naturalists indicate that these behaviors are generally mistakes made by young penguins whose instincts compel them to mate, but who have not yet learned how or with whom.

  3. I did not know that.

    It doesn't really matter much to my point. The point is, Penguins engage in these behaviors, so they are normal and natural, according to the way the Left determines what is normal and natural.

    And anyway, why do you think this article is being published now of all times? I mean, this information is known, right? So, why was it published now?

  4. Let's look at the wording of another part of the article which I did not post:

    Homosexual behaviors in animals are no longer cause for hiding data, or even a blush. (Case in point: Dutch biologist Kees Moeliker won an Ig Nobel prize in 2010 for the first report of dead gay duck sex.)

    Plenty of animals are out of the closet, so to speak, from dolphins and killer whales to bonobos and greylag geese. Some estimates put the number of animal species that practice same-sex coupling at 1,500.

    And while Levick may have viewed the interactions between penguins through an anthropomorphic lens, today that's not the case, the researchers note.

    Necrophilia, for instance, is not the same in penguins and humans; Rather than being sexually aroused by a hot gal, male penguins are chemically wired to respond in certain ways to a seemingly compliant female of breeding age.

  5. If that is not a setup to make the case for other deviant behaviors being accepted, then I don't know what it's point might be.

  6. Hi Pastorius,

    I agree with you 100% - the reason this story is coming out is to normalize deviancy.

    My only quibble was to point out that the penguins themselves are not immoral deviants - out of all of the 1,000s of penguins, a few of the young'uns don't know what to do, and goof up.

    One should not make too much of it.

    Human morality should not be based on observations of animal behavior, anyway. We have been given instructions specific to ourselves from our Creator.

  7. Punditarian,
    You write: out of all of the 1,000s of penguins, a few of the young'uns don't know what to do, and goof up.
    One should not make too much of it.
    Human morality should not be based on observations of animal behavior, anyway. We have been given instructions specific to ourselves from our Creator.

    I respond: Yes. I agree.

    The way I see it, we naturally revert to behaving like animals, if we do not follow the Law that God has given us.
