Monday, April 23, 2012


Daniel Halper at the Weekly Standard has picked up on the news of Muhammed Abu Shahala, the man whom the PLO is threatening with death for selling the Machpela House to Jews in Hebron. 2 community spokespersons have sent the following letter to the UN, State Dept, and Israeli prime minister's office, among others:
Mr. Abu Shahala reportedly confessed following torture sessions at the hands of his captors. The death sentence can be executed only following concurrence by Mahmoud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen, president of the PA. After he signs the death warrant, Abu Shahala may be killed.

It is appalling to think that property sales should be defined as a ‘capital crime’ punishable by death. The very fact that such a ‘law’ exists within the framework of the PA legal system points to a barbaric and perverse type of justice, reminiscent of practices implemented during the dark ages.

It is incumbent upon the entire international community, which views Abu Mazen and the Palestinian Authority as a viable Middle East peace partner, to publicly reject such acts of legal murder, when the ‘crime’ is nothing more than property sales. What would be the reaction to a law in the United States, England, France, or Switzerland, forbidding property sales to Jews?
As Caroline Glick has said, this PLO dictation forbidding sale of property to Jews was one of the very first they came up with ever since they were allowed to take over, and murders of Arab land owners took place soon afterwards.

The Hebron community leaders urge action to help save the life of Mr. Shahala, and he definitely needs it now.

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