Monday, March 26, 2012


Note THIS INFORMATION about Trayvon Martin, the story on the national news lately. If the information to which I'm linking in this post is accurate, Obama should retract his statement:
"If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon," Obama said in his first comments about the shooting...
Is the photo below a more up-to-date likeness of Trayvon Martin?

Read THIS LINK. If the information in that link is accurate, the media are suppressing information that contradicting their present agenda.

Furthermore, Jesse Jackson should be held accountable for his recent statement that Trayvon Martin was "shot in the back of the head," as I heard on CBS News this morning. Such is not the case at all! He was shot in the chest.

Jesse Jackson said more:
Jackson said he would like to see the black population turn its anger over the death of Trayvon Martin into an energy directed at voter registration, economic inequity and other issues of discrimination and racial injustice.

"I would hope that movement would turn into Trayvon Martin voter-registration rallies," Jackson said in a press conference following the Sunday service.
Aha! There stands one agenda related to the shooting of Trayvon Martin!

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