Friday, February 17, 2012

Gillian McKeith vs. Nigella Lawson = real eating versus real elitist BS



  1. This is stupid. I wonder how much plastic surgery Nigella has had. Or how many drugs Gillian did before she decided to clean up her act. I know plenty of aging vegetarians and they look nothing like Gillian.
    I'm sure this comment will never reach the eyes of anyone since "All comments must be approved by the blog author." What kind of crap is that?

  2. What about the fact that Nigella is wearing a lot of makeup, and how touched up pictures are? Photoshop, my friend.

    Also, just because she's beautiful, her diet is unhealthy. Smoking and drinking, and just living on meat, butter and desserts DOES NOT MAKE YOU HEALTHY. Just because someone is skinny or pretty, that doesn't necessarily mean they're healthy.

    Meat eaters, just face the fact that you need a variety of fruits and vegetables to be healthy.
