Monday, February 06, 2012

Another sign of the plague of idiocy and sloth that is spreading across our nation, making a land of spoiled belligerent teenage brats


F**K YOU!!!!!!!

From the NYT:
SAN FRANCISCO - By my calculation, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's founder and chief executive, owes me about $50.

Without me, and the other 844,999,999 people poking, liking and sharing on the site, Facebook would look like a scene from the postapocalyptic movie "The Day After Tomorrow": bleak, desolate and really quite sad. (Or MySpace, if that is easier to imagine.) Facebook surely would never be valued at anything close to $100 billion, which it very well could be in its coming initial public offering.

In the company's S-1 filing, submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission this week, Facebook boasts about its statistics: annually, people "like" one trillion things; 91 billion photos are uploaded; half a billion people use Facebook on mobile phones; and hundreds of millions are annoyingly "poked."

So all this leaves me with a question: Where's my cut? I helped build this thing, too. Facebook laid the foundation of the house and put in the plumbing, but we put up the walls, picked out the furniture, painted and hung photos, and invited everyone over for dinner parties.
No, dumbass. Facebook built the f*cking house all by themselves, and then they let you live in it, with the only stipulation being that you would view the Advertising on the f*cking site.

You're a f*cking squatter, you retarded Occupy Wall Street  parasite. Why don't you go squat in the street with your Communist brothers and sisters, and rail against the Capitalist Pigs Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs?

Should Chevy give you a car, a job, and shares of stock, just for the privilege of co-Branding with your lazy ass?

I've got an idea. I want the New York Times to give me paper delivery service for free, I want 1000 shares of stock, a pension, health insurance, and I want to fuck your wife as well. How's that? I mean, I'm only negotiating for what I, as one of "we the people" deserve, right? After all, you can brag that I read your paper.

And, by the way, your wife had better be good.

The idea that a reputable paper could publish such an asinine article is a sign of the plague of idiocy, sloth, and malaise that is spreading across our nation.

We have become a land full of belligerent teenagers, crying who believes the world owes us a living. Ridiculous.

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