Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bloomberg actually defends NYPD's monitoring of Muslim groups

Via Breitbart. For once, Bloomberg has done something right in his whole career, what with his failed socialist policies to his record.

On the other hand, the mayor of Newark, NJ says that he didn't approve of the monitoring efforts in his area:
NEWARK, N.J. (AP) - A former police director of New Jersey's largest city says no local officers were used in a spying operation that monitored and catalogued his city's Muslim neighborhoods.

Garry McCarthy tells the Associated Press on Wednesday that the New York Police Department notified him as a courtesy that it was sending plainclothes offices into Newark in 2007. McCarthy says no Newark police officers were used in the operation.

The NYPD officers photographed mosques and eavesdropped on conversations in businesses frequented by Muslims. The result was a 60-page report, obtained by The AP, that was a guide to Newark's Muslims. It never mentioned terrorism or criminal allegations.

Newark Mayor Cory Booker says he never approved the spying and promised to investigate.

McCarthy is now working as Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's police superintendent.
Oh, is that so. Clearly then, he is not someone to trust on security issues. This is just another example of the AP's declarence of war against the police's right to protect citizens from possible jihad threats inside the US. That's very likely why they're saying the guide doesn't mention terrorism. Or does it? The AP doubtlessly wants us to assume it doesn't just so we'll all think it's a wild goose chase.

After Bloomberg's defense of the NYPD's chances are the Islamists in the Big Apple will be far less supportive of him now. After the way he defended the mosque project at Ground Zero though, we shouldn't feel too sorry for him.

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