Friday, January 06, 2012

Rick versus Mitt: Right to work laws etc. ...

Mitt supports right to work laws and Rick opposes them.

That makes Mitt more conservative than Rick.

Mitt also has a more conservative stand on immigration.

And spending. Rick supported spending increases and even earmarked $1,000,000,000,000! That's one BILLION folks. That's not very conservative.

Rick opposed NAFTA and free trade. That's not very conservative.

His stands on unions and immigration and spending and trade make Rick positively RINO-esque!

And Rick is a career politician who never did anything but politic - except lobby and lawyer. Three lousy occupations.

Mitt was in the private sector and ran a huge business and ran the Olympics and was a governor. The experience factor ain't even close. The executive factor ain't even close.

Mitt can out organize Rick and out-fundraise him --- maybe even raise more money than Obama.

Mitt is a better candidate for the nomination and will make a better nominee and a better president.


Update: this is devastating:

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