Wednesday, January 25, 2012

PLO cuts off so-called peace talks again

After meeting at least 5 times as a mere "goodwill gesture", the PLO has again left what they were discussing in Jordan:
The Palestinian Authority will not restart direct peace negotiations with Israel unless Jerusalem recognizes the borders of a Palestinian state, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Wednesday according to the Palestinian News and Information Agency (WAFA).

"If the borders are set it's possible to return to negotiations, but the Israelis do not want established borders" Abbas said following a meeting with Jordanian King Abdullah II.
And he doesn't want to renounce the evil ways of Islamofascism.
The most outstanding issue preventing the resumption of high-level direct negotiations is the continued expansion of Israeli settlements, especially in "occupied" Jerusalem, Abbas said according to the report.

Other PA official made abrupter comments Wednesday, saying that Wednesday's meeting between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators in Amman would be the final meeting.
It might not be, but in any case, they demonstrated their callousness yet again, not to mention just how pro-segregation they are.

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