Monday, January 02, 2012


When the second phase of the Iraq War was going badly and all the gains and potential gains were at risk George W. Bush listened to all his options and  - despite disagreement from most of the major brass inside the pentagon, and keeping the goal of a free and democratic Iraq foremost in his mind - decided to change strategy and tactics and employ THE SURGE strategy developed by retried General Keene and Petraeus and the Kagans.

I assert that Dubya's training at Harvard Business School - where he earned an MBA - is a major reason why he was able to buck the pressure and the "CONVENTIONAL WISDOM" and analyze the problem properly and make the correct decision and stick with the correct decision and select the correct man to employ it - General Petraeus. I assert this in part because of the methodology employed at the Harvard Business School: CASE STUDY PROBLEM SOLVING.

Mitt studied there too - getting MUCH better grades than Dubya, (and earning a JD from Harvard at the same time).

Of all the candidates ONLY Mitt has this EXECUTIVE problem-solving decision-making training, and more importantly has this EXECUTIVE problem solving EXPERIENCE - both in government (where politics and sin influences the process),  business (where the risk rewards are huge and direct/unmediated by spin-meisters because the BOTTOM-LINE is a very very VERY real thing!).

His Harvard MBA training and successful experience as Governor - and as the man who (at the last minute and when things were looking disastrous) stepped in and saved the Winter Olympics - mean that Mitt is not just the best candidate in the filed, he's the best candidate for POTUS in a decade.

Conservative purists should take a deep breath and accept the fact that there is not a pure conservative in the race who has the executive experience and fundraising ability and organizational skills needed to be a successful candidate for the presidency.

Only Mitt combines the skills and experience with the training and fundraising and organizational abilities to win and govern successfully. And he is conservative enough - (especially if we hold the House and win The Senate):

Mitt has been firmly on the right since at least 2006; he was to the right of McCain - and he has stayed there. He was the FIRST to support Rubio; he has the endorsement of Ayotte and Halley and many MANY other conservatives. His platform is CONSERVATIVE. He is to the right of Perry on immigration. He has proven himself credible on ALL the issues and his advisory team is VERY conservative  - including people like Judge Bork.

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