Friday, December 23, 2011


Some unique sanity displayed in Britain (via The American Thinker):
A baby girl born out of wedlock must be adopted to save her from the risk of being slaughtered in an "honor killing," a court ruled yesterday.

If the unmarried Muslim woman's father found out about the child, he would feel such "unimaginable shame" he could unleash a vengeful bloodbath by killing the baby and his whole family, three senior judges agreed.

So they made the extraordinary order to have the one-year-old girl - known as Baby Q - adopted for her own safety.

She will now grow up with adoptive parents and, when she is older, they will explain to her why she could not have been brought up by her biological parents.

It is believed to be the first time an English court has ordered an adoption to prevent a murder.
And it's a very lucky thing the court had the sense to make this ruling.

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