Sunday, November 13, 2011


A week after that incredibly dumb crack he made while talking with Obama while semi-oblivious to the working microphone, French president Sarkozy will be visiting Israel to mend ties (via Blogmocracy):
French President Nicolas Sarkozy will visit Jerusalem to assuage the diplomatic damage caused by a gaffe he recently made at the G-20 gathering, a Jewish French diplomat said on Thursday.

France’s former special envoy to the Middle East Valerie Valerie Hoffenberg said her ex-boss would visit “soon” to try to clear up the “misunderstanding of the Israeli [government] concerning France’s position.”
By the way, look at this curious part at the end:
Sarkozy told the Jewish leadership he felt that Israel had lost the media war and had failed to make its case to the international community that it wanted peace, according to the sources.
This is ambiguous, of course, since we don't know just he's driving at; whether he thinks Israel should mend its borders and defeat Islamofascists - including the PLO - or whether he thinks Israel must make concessions.

But this gaffe of his might help provide an edge over him, and make it clear that the whole country doesn't like foreign sources speaking in such degrading terms about the leaders it elects, regardless of their political standings.

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