Monday, November 07, 2011

Fascist Hipsters: Transgender Starting Their Own Police Force In Zuccotti Park

My friend Sonic Charmer refers to the Occupy Wall Street movement as "Hipster Fascists".

I think that is an apt description.

We have heard about the OWS people discouraging women from reporting rape and sexual assault to the police. They say they can take care of such situations internally better than the Police can.

Now, the New York Post is reporting the Transgender division of OWS is starting it's own Police Force:
I hear allegations of financial corruption and intimidation over sexual orientation.

“I’m in a tent that keeps getting flooded, ransacked and robbed,” fumes a transgender group leader -- a female who identifies as a male.

He said that the transgender group would create its own police force for transgender protesters and females, since an immense distrust loomed over the OWS-created authority.
The Occupy Wall Street people are creating their own parallel systems of authority. That's what the Mafia does. That's what Jihadists do. That's what Drug Lords do. And, that's what Fascist organizations do before they gain political power.

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