Thursday, July 14, 2011


Jihad Watch presents a press release advertising SIOA's next rally at Ground Zero on September 11. Among the speakers:
AFDI and its Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) program are encouraging all Americans to stand against the Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero and the anti-Semitic Durban III conference that will be held in New York City at the same time, and for American values on the tenth anniversary of the worst attack ever on American soil.

The confirmed list of speakers includes 9/11 family members Alexander and Maureen Santora, who lost their firefighter son Christopher; Sally Regenhard, whose son Christian was killed on 9/11; Nelly Braginsky, who lost her son Alexander; and others.

Other speakers include former U. S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton (video message); German MP RenĂ© Stadtkewitz, leader of Germany’s Freedom Party; the courageous ex-Muslim human rights activist Wafa Sultan; war hero and North Carolina Congressional candidate Ilario Pantano; former prosecutor and bestselling author Andrew C. McCarthy; popular radio host Joyce Kaufman; Darla Dawald, National Director of the Patriot Action Network; James Lafferty of the Virginia Anti-Sharia Taskforce (VAST); Coptic Christian activist Joseph Nassralla; Iraqi ex-Muslim Paul Gaynos; and others.
If you can reach NYC, be sure to attend there. We cannot allow that abomination and offense to the victims of 9-11 to be built there.

Update: I believe it is important to note that Pamela Geller is going to Ohio to deal with that grievance suit Omar Tarazi filed against her. If anyone can help contribute to her defense fund, please do so.

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