Friday, July 22, 2011


The advertisements for the Captain America movie may be patriotic, but the approach of the movie itself, after reading this item on the NY Post, does not sound promising: according to the writer, the movie goes soft on nazism:
Though the screenplay is safely set in 1943 -- when the country was united against Hitler's Germany after years of debate, thanks to Pearl Harbor -- the film takes great pains to point out that the villain (played by Hugo Weaving) is a rogue scientist whose methods are considered too extreme even by the man who ordered the execution of eight million people.

Not only is the Holocaust nowhere hinted at in this comic-book version of history (something the similarly fantastic "Raiders of the Lost Ark,'' set in 1936, managed to do) Stanley Tucci's German refugee scientist is given a speech rationalizing the German people's embrace of Hitler. [...]

Suspicions that Marvel may be going to ridiculous lengths to avoid offending the German market are sort of confirmed in the press notes.
What?!? Oh, this is just great. When it comes to a movie like this, I wanted to hope it would be done properly in terms of historical allusions and common sense, if anything. Now they're giving me reason to feel very uncomfy about the screenplay and wonder if this too is another victim of political correctness of the most grimy sort.

I think I need some aspirin.

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