Thursday, July 28, 2011


I think this story on The Blaze is an update to this earlier item and tells that soldier Nasser Abdo has been arrested for planning another attack. FOX News's report reads:
A U.S. military serviceman has been arrested in connection with an alleged plot to attack Fort Hood nearly two years after a deadly shooting rampage at the base, Fox News has learned exclusively.

Pvt. Naser Jason Abdo, an AWOL soldier from Fort Campbell, Kentucky, was arrested by the Killeen Police Department near Fort Hood and remains in custody there.

Abdo, 21, was found with weapons, explosives and jihadist materials at the time of his arrest, a senior Army source confirms to Fox News. He was arrested at around 2 p.m. Wednesday after someone called authorities to report a suspicious individual.

Eric Vasys, a spokesman with the FBI's San Antonio Office, said authorities found firearms and bomb making components inside Abdo's motel room. Sources also say Abdo was attempting to make a purchase at Guns Galore in Killeen, the same ammunition store where Major Nidal Hasan purchased weapons that were allegedly used to gun down 13 people and wound 30 others at the base on Nov. 5, 2009.

Sources said Abdo had enough materials to make two bombs, including 18 pounds of sugar and six pounds of smokeless gunpowder -- a possible trigger for an explosive. A pressure cooker was also found.

"He was all ready to go," one law enforcement source said.

Another counterterrorism source said the bomb making materials and methodology came "straight out of Inspire magazine and an Al Qaeda explosives course manual."

Law enforcement officials suspect Abdo was planning an attack in or around Fort Hood, though they say the exact target is not clear.

Police in Killeen received information from the owners of Guns Galore about a suspicious male who entered the store and, after asking about smokeless gun powder, purchased as much as six pounds of the powder, three boxes of 12 gauge ammunition and a magazine for a Springfield 9mm. The man allegedly paid for the items in cash and then left in a cab.

Bob Jenkins, a Fort Campbell spokesman, told Fox News that Abdo was also being investigated for child pornography found on his government computer.
And this was the very soldier whom the army was going to merely allow standing on the side rather than just discharge dishonorably as he should've been.

We must be grateful to the managers of the gun store for alerting police to this other military based scumbag before he could very possibly have caused serious harm. It's clear he was very dangerous. The best word to describe him would probably be as a sociopath.

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