Sunday, June 12, 2011

Oslo: Disagreement between Jewish community and Islamic Council over religious racism report

The mozlems are the instigators of anti-semitism. In this post the rate of "anti-semitism has risen from zero to widespread in a few years." This is all down to the izlamic influx. But the mozlems are complaining saying it is THEY who are discriminated against and that Jews should shut up! What filth!!
 "A recent study mapping out religious racism in Oslo schools, grades 8-10, shows that Jews are harassed much more than other groups. 33.3% of Jewish students said they were harassed more than once a month because of their religion, compared with 9.9% of Buddhists and 5.3% of Muslims. The average was 3.5%.
62% of the students said that students called each other 'Jew' at their school. 51.5% said they heard the word 'Jew' used to describe something negative, 40.9% heard jokes about Jews, 35.2% said they heard negative comments about Jews, and 4.7% said they heard other students say that Jews weren't exterminated during WWII."
Read more here: Islam in Europe: Oslo: Disagreement between Jewish community and Islamic Council over religious racism report:

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