Saturday, May 14, 2011


Yvonne Ridley, British convert to Islam, writes in the Muslim Observer:
...It mattered not the al-Qaida leader was unarmed – that detail was kept back as hugely distorted stories zoomed around the globe about how the evil Arab used his wife as a human shield while firing off rounds at the heroic soldiers who risked their all for Uncle Sam.

The naked display of uncontrollable gung-ho emotion was bad enough but then a smug-looking Obama began sounding like Glenn Ford in a scene from High Noon as he lectured the world about “justice being done”....
Read the rest HERE.

Of course, we should consider the source when reading the above essay. Information about Yvonne Ridley:
Yvonne Ridley (born 1959, Stanley, County Durham, England) is a British journalist, war correspondent and Respect Party politician best known for her capture by the Taliban and subsequent conversion to Islam after release, her outspoken opposition to Zionism, and her criticism of Western media portrayals of the War on Terror. Ridley currently works for Press TV, the Iranian-based English language news channel.


According her own account after her release, during her captivity she was asked by one of her captors to convert to Islam; she refused, but gave her word she would read the Qur'an after her release.

In freedom, she kept this promise, as she said partly to find out why the Taliban treated women as they do. She said it changed her life.

The Qur'an, she says describing the holy book of Islam, is a "magna carta for women".
How many converts like Yvonne Ridley live among us in the West? With the death of Osama bin Laden, we may well find out just how great their numbers are as the some of ummah attempt to exact revenge for the death of Osama bin Laden.

Meanwhile, Obama is planning more outreach to the Islamic world. Dhimmitude marches on.

1 comment:

  1. Dear AB, I had read some time ago that Ridley's conversion to islam was a publicity stunt and possibly her capture by the "Taliban". I am certain that she converted before this, when she married her first husband:
    "Ridley has married twice.[5] Her first husband was Daoud Zaaroura, a former Palestine Liberation Organization officer. Zaaroura was a PLO colonel when Ridley met him in Cyprus, where she was working on an assignment for the Newcastle-based Sunday Sun."(Also wikipedia)
