Monday, May 09, 2011


If governments don't allow increased drilling or the construction of more refineries - and if they tax the crap out of oil, then of course the amount of oil produced and refined is going to stagnate.

Just as they have.

And just as assuredly prices for all things that require energy will go up.

Just as they are now doing.

This is exactly what the anti-consumerist eco-nutsie left wants to achieve with their drilling bans and carbon taxing schemes - and it will bring the impoverishment that socialism always brings, too.

ALL FOR NOTHING: the idea that man-made CO2 is damaging global climate is as ridiculous as Marx's idea that a dictatorship of the proletariat would bring about an economic utopia.

There's only one way to stop them: elect a conservative Senate and a GOP POTUS in 2012.

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