Monday, February 28, 2011


The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Israel cannot be faulted for death of civilians in Gaza while fighting against Hamas, as a panel has concluded:
JERUSALEM: Nearly nine years after the Israeli assassination of a Hamas leader in Gaza killed at least 13 civilians and led to international condemnation, a government-appointed panel has found the consequences ''did not stem from disregard or indifference to human lives''.

The three-member panel, headed by a retired Israeli Supreme Court justice, found on Sunday that the collateral damage was ''disproportionate''. But it said its examination of the operation according to Israeli and international law ''unequivocally'' ruled out a criminal offence.

It attributed the deadly results of the operation to ''incorrect assessments and mistaken judgment based on an intelligence failure in the collection and transfer of information'' among the different agencies involved.
Naturally, Hamas has condemned these findings, and will not accept any blame on their side, when as it so happens, it's their fault for getting civilians on their side blasted. They've practically used them as human shields and see no value in them except propaganda purposes to undermine Israel. And that's why Hamas has no legitimacy. Speaking of which, just look at some of this data on how they've been enforcing sharia and anti-semitic indoctrination. And then they have the sheer gall to accuse Israel of anything.

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