Thursday, December 09, 2010


Yisrael Medad writes about a letter to the editors at the NY Times they surprisingly were willing to publish, from the spokesperson for the Israeli consulate in New York, who wanted to make clear that "settlers" is a most disparaging term. Well indeed, it is. But don't expect the NYT or any other such awful newspaper to stop using it any time soon.


  1. all Jews moving to Israel are refugees returning home.

    even the ones moving to Samaria n Judea.

    the arabs there are interlopers; there was never an arab nation there; at most only a protectorate of the phony kingdom of jordan/transjordan.

  2. Late 90's the wire services were much more open and none were behind pay walls. I was following a story of three Israeli children (5,8,12) who were gunned down with AK-47s by arabs. When the major papers published the news, they changed children to settlers and left out their age. I was outraged and forever divorced myself from the MSM.
