Monday, September 27, 2010

Comrade Trumka wants to be Kommisar Trumka - for the common good, of course

Look at Trumka and realize that the Neanderthals live. Listen to him and realise that Stalinism lives.

What leftist idiots like Trunka fail to accept is that the places where socialism has reigned are the places where humans have the worst life, and places which have the most liberty and capitalism and the freest markets are the most prosperous places that offer people the best lives.

Nobody was busting into East Germany or swimming to Cuba.


If they offered a better way then the socialist nations would be having illegal immigration problems and not the USA.

The Euro-socialists offer welfare to their immigrants: YES: THEY HAVE TO BE INDUCED TO GO THERE.

Immigrants come here to earn a better life.

And they do so BEST without the corrupt unions run by the likes if Trumka.

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