Thursday, August 05, 2010


Globes reports that Turkey lost 90 percent of Israeli tourists:
Turkey's Ministry of Tourism has released figures that show the huge impact of the flotilla affair in May on Israeli tourism to the country. Only 2,605 Israelis visited Turkey in June 2010 compared with 27,289 in June 2009 - a fall of 90%.

Turkey's Ministry of Tourism also reported that the number of visitors from Israel in the first half of 2010 was down 22% to 75,071 from 91,450 in the corresponding period of 2009.
With that noted, how much tourism has Turkey lost from other parts of the world? Nobody with common sense should plunk their hard-earned money into Turkey's pockets. Americans planning overseas trips can divert their investments elsewhere, as can all Europeans and far easterners who understand the Islamic menace rising anew in Turkey.


  1. One correction !

    99% from those 10% were Israeli- Arabs!...

    Otherwise, the statistics are correct.

  2. not true Alex.

    most were jewish and they're staying away because turkey is now islamist and in iran's camp.

  3. Reliapundit,

    May be you are right.
    A couple of days ago, I heard on the radio, that the Turkish Air Co. finds it difficult to fill up one flight a day! The last flight was with one Jewish family on board!...
    But, who cares!... I have better places in mind !!

