Sunday, August 15, 2010


According to
Four Massachusetts community hospitals are investigating how thousands of patient health records, some containing Social Security numbers and sensitive medical diagnoses, ended up in a pile at a public dump.

The unshredded records included pathology reports with patients’ names, addresses, and results of breast, bone, and skin cancer tests, as well as the results of lab work following miscarriages.

By law, medical records and documents containing personal identifying information must be disposed of in a way that protects privacy, and leaving them at a dump is probably illegal, privacy lawyers and hospital officials said. Violators face steep fines....
Just imagine what a mess ObamaKare, modeled on MassachusettsKare, will be when the government bureaucracy is involved. We all know how careless a bureaucratic machine is, particularly with centralized record keeping.

What happened in Massachusetts is a preview of ObamaKare.

1 comment:

  1. The previous UK Labour government did the same: left CDs with patient information on trains, left names and addresses of current serving soldiers on a train, left the tax records of millions of people on trains.

    I don't consider these things accidents. This information was NEVER meant to leave the buildings it came from. Just like the hospital records you mention.
