Tuesday, August 24, 2010

FLOTUS go home!

FLOTUS in Spain

'The presence in Spain of the British prime minister, who carries the democratic representation of the United Kingdom, contrasts with the bragging and fanfare of the "nouveau-rich" wife of the president of the United States. With the worst style of a dictator/king of the middle east, Mrs Obama has settled herself in Spain with the "howl" of almost a hundred body-guards, an endless caravan of automobiles, besides reserving fifty rooms in one of the most expensive hotels in the world.'

'We are embarrassed for her. In the middle of the crisis, caused by the economic errors of the American Capitalism, the wife of the American president enjoys herself on the most insulting, lavish waste. This is without mention of the offence to Spain that she refused to accept Spanish security, which has been proven exceptional at the highest international meetings. '

'Mrs Obama has treated us as if we were a colony of the empire. Caesar remains in Washington while she "lords" herself in Spanish territory.'


  1. Except for the part about "American Capitalism", I have to say I love that they see her for what she is.


  2. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I believe that she visited Spain as a statement. We will probably find out that she actually DID stop at the Cordoba Mosque. But really, going to Spain alone, sends the message that OBAMA is FOR the Cordoba Mosque at Ground Zero. She doesn’t need to raise money. Her presence says it all.
    I wrote this on Creeping Sharia's blog too.
