Sunday, June 06, 2010


The New Big Lie: Israel is a bad ally who hurts USA interests.

The Big Truth: Obama is hurting USA and Western interests!

Obama is siding with those who attack Israel and who seek to divide the West to conquer the West.

(And their division-seeding is working: Europe is becoming more openly antisemitic - and the Flotilla is the excuse. Even the Vatican is siding with the jihadists against Israel.)

Here is The Big New Lie:


Recent Israeli governments, particularly the one led by prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mr. Cordesman argued, have ignored the national security concerns of its biggest benefactor, the United States, and instead have taken steps that damage American interests abroad.

The charge that Israel damages USA interests and the West is The New Big lie.

The only interests which Israel damages are the interests of appeasers and dupes and the jihado-leftist alliance.

The people who believe that Israel is the problem are either the Chamberlains of our century, or our Benedict Arnolds - and ALL are antisemites ---

YES: antisemites: by definition, if you criticize israel for doing things you allow gentiles to do then you are an antisemite. Egypt is part of the Gaza blockade, yet they get ZERO criticism, even though they too have a wall with Gaza. The Turks would not allow Kurdish terrorists to rearm. Russians fight Chechen terrorists more brutally than Israelis fight Hamas, yet they get very little criticism. The USA kills more civilians collaterally in Pakistan and Afghanistan than Israel does in Gaza or Lebanon. There's been a thousand times more killing in Africa and Sri Lanka and India, but they're not targeted for international criticism.

ONLY THE JEWS. That's antisemitism.

But it's more than antisemitism.

It's dangerous appeasement - at best:

Describing Israel as a problem to the USA and the west is like describing the Czechs as a problem for the West in 1939.

The problem then was Hitler, not the Czechs who ONLY wanted to keep the Sudetenland as part of Czechoslovakia.

The true problem now is global jihad and the axis of evil: Iran, Syrian, North Korea, Hamas, Hizballah - with direct aid from Russia and China, and indirect aid from the jihado-leftist alliance - of which the Obama administration is a part.

Here's why Obama can only be accurately described as part of the jihado-leftist alliance:
  • Obama calls the successful Egypto-Israeli blockade of the jihadists "unsustainable" -
  • and calls for a new weapons-interdiction process like the one in southern Lebanon based on UNSCR 1559
  • but UNSCR 1559 has failed utterly to take arms away from Hizballah
  • and has failed to prevent new and more weaponry from entering southern Lebanon and getting into the hands of Hizballah.
  • As a result, Hizballah now has missiles from Iran - that they got via Syria.
Obama and the jihado-leftist alliance are not so dumb or misinformed as to not know this; therefore, they must seek the same regime of interdiction in order to rearm Hamas (who run Gaza as an international extortion racket!)
  • This is not in Western interests.
  • Neither is having a Russo-Iranian port in Mediterranean.
  • Neither is having a nuclear Iran.
And Obama is enabling all three.

Obama was NOT elected to follow these policies: when Obama ran for office he said he would give Iran until January.

It is now June, and Iran's nuke program has only steadily grown, as have Iran's air defenses - courtesy of Russia.

Yet instead of getting increasingly tough on Iran - and Hizballah and Hamas - Obama has gotten increasingly tough on Israel:
  • Obama called the blockade "unsustainable" - (the fact that the 5 other ships in last week's Flotilla were taken peacefully, and that yesterday the Rachel Corrie was escorted to Ashdod peacefully proves Obama is wrong: that the blockade is sustainable)
  • Obama called for Israel to give up its nuclear deterrence
  • Obama has consistently treated Netanyahu shabbily and has made sure this has been seen around the world.
Obama might as well working for the enemy - for the AKP and the IHH and their allies in Hamas and Al Qaeda

YES: Obama might as well be working for those who attacked us on 9/11.

Yes: actually, Obama's policies are threatening and damaging the USA and the West.

Repeat: actually, Obama's policies are threatening and damaging the USA and the West.

Repeat: actually, Obama's policies are threatening and damaging the USA and the West.

We can stop Obama and the jihado-leftist alliance this November: vote GOP.


1 comment:

  1. NYT:

    Recent Israeli governments, particularly the one led by prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mr. Cordesman argued, have ignored the national security concerns of its biggest benefactor, the United States, and instead have taken steps that damage American interests abroad.


    Even more disturbing to me on a personal level is a close friend of mine who recently said (before the flotilla) that the United States needs to quit supporting Israel. Lord! She should know better as she is a staunch conservative!

    I fear that we have a lot of Americans like my friend.

    Pray for Israel.
