Wednesday, March 31, 2010


It is this:

The idea that the government can provide you with a better service or good than a private business - because the private business makes a profit at your expense.

In fact, the profit motive and competition are what make the private business a better provider.

Competition for your business forces them to continuously improve the good or service, and profit is their incentive.

Profit is "the good guy" - yet the left persistently attacks private enterprise for this very reason.

We heard it from Obama and Reid and Pelosi and Waxman and Hoyer over and over again: the insurance companies were the bad guys. Or Big Oil is the bad guy. Or Big Pharma. And so on.

If government was better at providing goods and services than the USSR would still be in business, we'd be driving Yugo's, Chinese wouldn't have opened up, and North Korea would be a better place to live than South Korea.

This irrational hatred of profit-seeking enterprises is the core defect of leftist thinking.

They call it GREED. They feel it's evil.

Well, as far as I know, no corporation ever committed genocide or forced people to live in a gulag.

Government is the problem, not the solution.

And most of Obama's policies - like Obamacare - are making things worse; OBAMACARE WILL HURT SMALL BUSINESSES AND JOB CREATION.

We will put a HALT to their misguided policies this November.

1 comment:

  1. Great article. If one is not satisfied with the services or products of an individual company we can take our business to the next guy. But when government is in control of goods or a service we have nowhere else to turn. Lets face it government workers are not very efficient because they know they have job security no matter how poorly they do their jobs.
