Monday, December 28, 2009


A Muslim who went around making threats against businesses in Memphis, Tennessee, has been released on as little as $100 bond (Hat tip: Jihad Watch):
MEMPHIS, TN - Tonight, Mohamed Ibrahim is out after posting $100 bond. Earlier in the day, he was arrested after police say he walked into several Memphis businesses and threatened to blow them up.

Court records show Ibrahim was also telling people he was Muslim, and wanted to start a jihad, or holy war, in Memphis.

Police say when they arrested him, he had a butcher knife hidden in one of his jacket sleeves.
Let me get this straight. He had a knife hidden on him, yet they released him on as little ass $100? This is very serious, because what if he were to go on a rampage for real this time? I think this is going to have to be addressed in court, and either the police or the judge who released him have a lot of explaining to do. Residents of Memphis who care about their safety are going to have to demand answers from the local legal system.

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