Saturday, December 19, 2009




Thousands in Eurostar 'nightmare'

Passengers trapped on board broken-down Eurostar trains for up to 16 hours have been talking about their ordeals.

More than 2,000 people were trapped inside the Channel Tunnel for hours after five trains suffered electrical failure due to freezing conditions.

One commuter called the experience a "complete nightmare".

Eurostar ran a limited service but later cancelled three of the four trains due to leave London on Saturday and scrapped all services for Sunday.

It said the cancellations were made due to ongoing concerns with the weather.

Passenger Meena Wells said there were angry scenes when these were announced.

She said: "People were shouting, screaming and crying. They are very upset and actually refusing to leave the platform."

Some test trains will run on Sunday but will not carry passengers.

Meanwhile, police have urged motorists to stay away from major routes around Dover and Folkestone unless their journey is essential.

Continued delays are expected on the M20 and other routes because of the tunnel problems and severe weather preventing ferries disembarking at Calais.

... Elsewhere freezing conditions caused travel disruption in the south and east of England and blizzards caused dozens of accidents across Scotland.

Flights in and out of London suffered delays, with 26 cancellations throughout the day at Heathrow Airport, a BAA spokesperson said.

Breakdown recovery service the AA said call-outs were up 250% on a normal Saturday to around 20,000, and more snow is expected in Wales, Northern Ireland and northern England.

During the Eurostar delays some passengers were stuck on a train for up to seven hours in sidings in Folkestone.

Lucy Morris' 2hr 20min journey from Paris took her more than 16 hours.

She was stuck in the Channel Tunnel for about five hours and after her train was towed out, she was transferred on to another train, which was stuck in the sidings.


1 comment:

  1. COPENHAGEN [AP] – Shocked and shaken by the theft of the Auschwitz sign, the world community must now "take note" of another midnight action. This time its a deal brokered by US President Barack Obama at the largest and most important U.N. meeting ever on fighting global warming. The new deal, which abandons the most vulnerable of nations along with the world's biologically rich tropical forests, continues a pattern of what international representatives call a "real lack of transparency" by the White House. Obama dismissed the UN's criticisms of his unusual and undemocratic negotiating process as "cynicism" while declaring his unbinding document an "unprecedented breakthrough". Obama's document promises to funnel up to $100B a year through the UN Development Programme, widely known for its corruption. "The deal is a triumph of spin over substance," said Jeremy Hobbs, executive director of Oxfam International, it "kicks back" on the issue of "climate cash". Like the Nazis sending "6 million people into furnaces" in the Holocaust, Obama is condemning the world to wide-spread global warming deaths, other leaders pointed out. Meanwhile, outside in the cold, hundreds of European protesters chanted and carried signs of Obama with the word "shame" pasted on his face.
