Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Bing is the New Google, Indeed

Censorship-wise, that is.

Anti-Mullah brought to my attention this article from the Telegraph, which charges Google with burying search results for Christopher Booker's fantastic article from last Saturday, Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation. According to Delingpole (second link), it is actually "the most-read article of the Telegraph’s entire online operation."

Google seems to have been shamed into ranking the page results somewhat fairly, because a search for "Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation" (quotes and all) now places the Telegraph article in the #1 spot. Richard North has screenshots of the Google results from Sunday, in case you don't believe Delingpole.

I decided to search Bing for the same and was pretty appalled to find that they're burying the results now, too.

First, I searched for "Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation" (quotes and all) and got no results from the Telegraph, only from websites that linked to the article.
Then I searched for " +telegraph" (no quotes) and got similar results, again, none from the Telegraph with the exception of a blog post from Damian Thompson which links to the article.


I spent ten minutes defending Bill Gates to some hipster and even got him to sort-of come around to my point of view (that personal wealth and more power to the individual leads to charity in basically moral societies like ours, i.e., Milton Friedman's Invisible Hand) just the other day.

I should have known better. Microsoft is in cahoots with NBC, which is more interested in indoctrinating people in leftism than actually covering the news. And who can blame them? Uncle Sam was happy to fork over $11 billion and a military monopoly to GE just for being sycophantic toward statists and toeing the Marxist party line.

Too bad. We had a good thing, Bing and I.

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