Monday, November 09, 2009


If you have a strong stomach, here's the latest of Turkish prime minister Tayyip Erdogan's atrocious statements, where he trivialized/denied the genocide in Sudan while attacking Israel:
( Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan lashed out at Israel on Sunday as he came to the defense of Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, who faces worldwide condemnation for the genocide taking place in the Darfur region of his country.

Addressing members of his party, Erdogan said he preferred meeting with Bashir over meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. “I wouldn't be able to speak with Netanyahu so comfortably as I would with Bashir,” he was quoted by Turkish media as saying. “I would say to [Bashir's] face, 'What you've done is wrong.'”
Or would he? Because if the following tells anything:
Erdogan's remark joined several other recent anti-Israel statements that have led to a cooling of ties between Israel and Turkey in recent months.

Erdogan claimed to know that Bashir is innocent, and that there is no genocide taking place in Sudan. “A Muslim can never commit genocide,” he said in explanation. “It's not possible.”

The Turkish PM added that he had visited Darfur and did not see evidence of genocide during his trip.
So he denies any genocide took place, even against black Muslims in Sudan, does he? That disgusting man is just one more reason why sensible people should stay away from Turkey, clearly no longer a safe place to visit. And if this is what he says about Sudan, one can only wonder what his take is on Turkey's own crimes against Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians during WW1. As Eye on the World says, this is just why Turkey should not be admitted to the EU.

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