Sunday, November 01, 2009


A mother whose son was stabbed by a robber-stalker has accused the police in Akko of this:
( The mother of a young Jewish stabbing victim in Akko believes authorities are keeping the attack quiet in order to appease local Arabs. Speaking from her son's bedside in a hospital in central Israel, where he is in moderate but stable condition, Sari Y. explains that she wants what happened to her child to be made public “so that Jewish blood will not be freely spilled.”

Avoiding violence?
Police and other officials would rather keep the fact that an Arab violently attacked a Jew under wraps, Sari says, in order to avoid an outburst of Jewish-Arab violence. The city of Akko was the site of violent riots just over a year ago following an incident in which an Arab drove into a Jewish neighborhood on Yom Kippur with his radio blaring, and Jews were falsely accused of murdering an Arab driver; since that time, officials have taken pains to ensure that the city regains its reputation for coexistence.
If this is what the police are doing, it should be taken to the Knesset, IMO. That's throughly reprehensible for authorities to be acting out of "cultural sensitivity", and even here in Israel, this is unacceptable.

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