Monday, November 09, 2009


It may be the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall today, but another thing that may not be as well known to some in the west is that November 9 also marks the time when "Kristallnacht" took place around the beginning of WW2 and the Holocaust. Here's an article about it by a writer whose family was there at the time of that horror:
( Throughout the Jewish world, commemorations are being held during this period of Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass, which took place exactly 71 years ago. The murderous violence and destruction of that night, in which 100 Jews were killed, over 250 synagogues were destroyed, and tens of thousands of Jewish businesses vandalized, marked the beginning of the Holocaust.

It also marked the deportation of close to 30,000 Jewish men from Germany and Austria to concentration camps.
This too is something important to remember. See also this article reporting that swastikas were scrawled on Jewish synagogue in Dresden, a warning of how the hatred from the nazi era has not gone away.

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