Tuesday, November 10, 2009

CNN Tries to Talk to Peaceful, Moderate Mohammedans Who Push Back Against Extremism, Interviews Al-Qaeda-Linked Leader of Young Muslim Jihad Camp

Remember these lovable guys? They're the bad cop. The good cop, sadly, is just a bad cop dressed up like a good cop. The good cop would be the one behind the "Peaceful preaching inside" of the mosque.

See, Shamsi Ali is a good guy.
Inside the sleek, modernistic house of worship, Imam Shamsi Ali preaches against the violence that now sweeps many Muslim countries.

"What we try to do is reminding our people about the real Islam," Ali said. "We tell them what the real Islam is all about. Islam is about peace. Islam is about moderation. Islam is about friendship. Islam is opposed to any kind of hatred against anybody."
He tells on the bad guys:
"We spoke to law enforcement about them, because we are disgusted with their behavior," said Shamsi Ali, an imam at the Islamic Cultural Center of New York, a mosque at 96th Street and Third Avenue.

Unfortunately for CNN's narrative, in 2006 Shamsi Ali helped lead a demonstration against the Danish cartoons at which protesters held signs reading "Insult the Prophet, you will pay. Allah's wrath is on its way."

What a great imam. He's the same Shamsi Ali who runs "Jihad School." He's got multiple Muslim Brotherhood associations, not to mention ties to al-Qaeda.
Shamsi Ali also has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda. In 2006 he spoke at a Young Muslim camp organised by the Islamic Circle of North America/Muslim American Society (the American wing of the Ikwan). Another speaker was New Jersey Imam Mazen Mokhtar who was tied to UK terrorist Ahmed Babar (who was jailed for planning to attack Heathrow airport). In the court documents Mokhtar was accused of setting up mirror websites for Azzam.com (named after the Al Qaeda ideolouge Abdullah Azzam the mentor of Bin Laden). According to law enforcement the sites were intended to raise funding and recruit fighters for the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
Those would be same ICNA and MAS Youth Muslim camps (a.k.a. Young Muslim Jihad Camps) which have been closely tied to homicide bombing plots.

Young Muslims are an interesting group themselves.

jihad camp

That's quite the terrorist rollcall on that roster. More on them and the Young Muslims here.

So multiple strong al-Qaeda links and Muslim Brotherhood ties, threatening violence in the streets, and a career history as a leader of Jihad Camp qualify someone as a representative of peaceful, friendly, non-hateful American Islam in CNN's book.

Got it.

Big H/T: Creeping Sharia.

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