Saturday, November 28, 2009


Barack Hussein Obama tried to appoint anti-Semite and paid Saudi Advisor Charles Freeman to head the NSC. A firestorm of controversy broke out in the blogosphere. the controversial appointment was not covered in the MSM - (except for Fox and the WSJ and the NYPOST).

When folks like the NYTIMES reported the fact that Freeman had withdrawn, their readers were IN THE FREAKIN' DARK. It must have seemed to them like it had just been sprung on them.

The MSM has been stonewalling Climategate. And so have the Democrats and the libs and the Left.They have their eyes closes and their hands over their ears, and they're repeating their favorite mantras loudly over and over again (to block out the news): "AGW HAS BEEN PROVEN! THE CONSENSUS IS IN! THE DEBATE IS OVER! FOX NEWS SUCKS! RIGHTWINGNUTS ARE IGNORANT/STUPID/DUMB!"

But scientists from around the world have taken notice and they're upset: the CRU GANG have committed unpardonable offenses: lying; cheating; bullying.

And in a week or so, the entire AGW Edifice is going to come crumbling down. With serious doubts as to the basic science underpinning their alarmist arguments and their draconian 'remedies", the Copenhagen conference will be seen as the farce it really is.

Either the politicians and scientists will get on the side of truth or they will get run over.

The TRUTH and self-preservation will prevail.

Sanity will prevail.

The eco-nutsies will have been defeated.

All because of the whistle-blower who hacked/leaked the emails.

God Bless her.

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