Tuesday, October 06, 2009


In the past 2 days, there were Muslim riots in Jerusalem circa the Temple Mount and the Arabic neighborhood of Shuafat, planned by the "peace partner" that goes by the name of Fatah (via Israel Matzav and Rick's Cafe American):
Police revealed Monday that officers had discovered wheelbarrows filled with bricks and heavy rocks on the Temple Mount on Sunday. The rocks were apparently prepared by Muslims who planned to use them against police and Jewish worshippers in case of a riot.

The discovery was one of the factors that led to the closure of the Temple Mount to Jews and to limited entrance to Muslim worshippers, police said.

Another factor was ongoing incitement from Muslim leaders, several of whom have accused Israeli Jews of planning to harm the Al-Aksa Mosque on the Temple Mount. On Sunday and Monday, Muslim leaders in Jerusalem and around the country called on young Muslims to “come and protect Al-Aksa.”

The call to protect the mosque from alleged Zionist plots spread quickly, and on Monday thousands of Muslims in Gaza, Judea and Samaria took part in solidarity rallies calling to protect Muslim control of the Temple Mount compound.

Between the incitement and the prepared rocks, police came to believe that rioters were planning more trouble, and that previous riots were not merely a spontaneous response to the presence of religious Jews on the Temple Mount, as Muslim worshippers had previously claimed.
And appallingly enough, we cannot expect any UN, Obama administration or EU officials to care. Come to think of it, we can't even expect any proper action back at home.

The riots are still continuing, and one of the masterminds is Ra'ed Salah (also via Rick's Cafe American and Yaakov Lozowick):
Salah told Haaretz on Monday that the clashes would last as long as Israel's "occupation" of the city and Al-Aqsa Mosque continued. He said the Israeli government must understand that using force does not grant it rights to Al-Aqsa Mosque or anywhere else in East Jerusalem, and that the key to achieving calm in the area is an Israeli "withdrawal." "No one has rights to the Al-Aqsa Mosque other than the Muslims. The mosque compound is Muslim, Palestinian and Arab, and Israel has no rights to the mosque or East Jerusalem," he said. Salah has been prohibited from entering the Temple Mount area for several months, and has been staying at a nearby residence while following developments. The Islamic Movement leader reiterated his call for Arabs within Israel's Green Line and in Jerusalem to protest beside the mount to "protect Al-Aqsa from the infiltration of extremist Jewish elements."
That man is simply dangerous, and should be banned from Jerusalem altogether for the incitement he's committing. Update: as a matter of fact, he now has been, but only for a month:
Sheikh Raed Salah, the leader of the Islamic Movement's northern branch, was banned from Jerusalem for 30 days on Tuesday after being arrested on suspicion of inciting the recent Arab riots in the capital.

The banning order was issued by the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court.

Salah was arrested in the Wadi Joz area of east Jerusalem, on a rooftop of a home where members of the movement's northern branch had congregated.


It isn't the first time Salah has landed himself in trouble with Israeli authorities.

In March this year, Jerusalem police arrested the fiery leader for assaulting police officers at an illegal east Jerusalem gathering.

In January 2008, Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz filed an indictment against Salah, charging him with incitement to violence and racism in a speech he made protesting the archaeological dig carried out at the Old City's Mughrabi Gate. During his sermon in Wadi Joz in February 2007, Salah had urged supporters to start a third intifada in order to "save al-Aksa Mosque, free Jerusalem and end the occupation."

In addition, Salah served a two-year jail sentence starting in May 2003 for a series of security offenses, including financing Hamas activities.
Well in that case, he should be imprisoned for life! He's been bankrolling terrorist gangs.

See also at Writing the Wrongs, and YnetNews (via Breaking Jewish News Updates).

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