Sunday, October 04, 2009

Obama: The World's Evil Clown

Appeasing the mullahs, propping up a dictator in Honduras, taking the side of barbarity and terrorism in the Middle East, throwing Eastern Europe under the bus, and generally supporting evil while shunning our allies. And that's just his foreign policy. This corrupt, immoral, unethical clown needs to be removed from office.
President Obama's first eight months on the world stage are deeply troubling. It is not just the repeated apologies for alleged American transgressions. We are witnessing a disturbing pattern that extends a hand of cooperation to our enemies while turning a cold shoulder to our friends and a blind eye to their suffering.

It was evident in the streets of Iran, where dissidents rallied for the right to have their votes counted and their voices heard. Their cries for a free and fair election and basic human rights were written in English intended for a watching world. The Iranian government responded with a crackdown on the dissidents that turned deadly.

The week before violence broke out in Iran, President Obama spoke eloquently about the fundamental rights of all individuals to have a say in how they are governed. But as these human rights were violated at the hands of the Iranian government, President Obama at first remained silent, assuring the Ayatollah that the U.S. would not "meddle," while pleading for an audience with the Mullahs who endorse the murder of innocent civilians in the West.

Yet, while the president didn't want to meddle on behalf of beaten Iranian dissidents, he was quick to take sides in the current crisis in Honduras.


As events unfolded, President Obama took the side of despots like Hugo Chavez and the Castro brothers in denouncing the actions of the duly elected representatives of Honduras.

Mike Pence, 'The President on the World Stage,', 10/01/09. Read the whole thing.

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