Monday, October 12, 2009

FOLEY VERSUS JENNINGS: Hmm... Pelosi always loved pedophiles and Media Matters didn’t...

Interesting. Jeffrey Lord at American Spectator has been all over this round of leftists excusing the inexcusable -- when leftists are the ones at issue.

Turns out that Nancy Pelosi, in addition to Hillary Clinton and Kevin Jennings, loves her some pedophiles. Yeah, she marched in the 2001 San Francisco Gay Pride Parade, which was dedicated to none other than NAMBLA's Harry Hay!

Here's the funny part: now that conservatives, most notably Hannity, are condemning "Safe Schools" Czar Kevin Jennings for encouraging pedophilia, albeit protected pedophilia, Dems - most vocally, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan - are up in arms that we would take issue with such a thing. It's "anti-gay bigotry" and a witch-hunt."

But remember Mark Foley? The Congressman who was run out of office in 2006 for writing emails and text messages to pages as young as 16? Weren't Dems up in arms at the time that this devious predator was an elected official? His behavior was "abhorrent," according to Pelosi, provided that conservatives were doing it, but keep honoring pedophiles.

It gets better: Media Matters wrote in 2001 that Foley's emails and text messages constituted a "sex crime." Yeah, they wrote in the LAT that such behavior was cause for the attention of "experts in psychiatry and sexual misconduct." Depends on how you write them, I guess.

There is definitely bigotry at play here, but it's not of the anti-gay sort (although the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade honoring Harry Hay doesn't help in that regard; what on earth were they thinking?).

It's of the anti-conservative sort.

Children be damned when individual Dems have their careers on the line, but run a Republican congressman out of office over some emails and text messages.

I'm not defending Mark Foley, by the way.

Jeffrey Lords suggests that Dems could actually apologize to Foley and admit that what they did was a power-grab. I don't think so.

Conservatives hold all people to the same standard -- because we're not bigots. We also care enough about kids to want to keep people who prey on them away from them and away from us. Pedophiles are not representative of gays as a whole, but apparently those who encourage them are, in fact, representative of all Democrats.

But we knew that already from leftists' compulsive deference toward Islam, the cornerstones of which are institutionalized pedophilia, slavery, incest, and rape.

Unless Democrats consistently condemn and refuse to tolerate violence against children - which they most certainly do not - we have to assume that harming children is an integral part of their agenda.

Yes, Democrats are out to hurt your children, which is why they support Kevin Jennings, Harry Hay, every Mohammedan slimeball they can find to grovel to, and ACORN when their offices are happy to aid and abet the smuggling, enslavement, and rape of children - with tax breaks - and are fine with them sending convicted sex offenders to your home as census workers.

That's why they're fine with those who advocate pedophilia - like Kevin Jennings, Arne Duncan, Nancy Pelosi, Dalia Mogahed, and Harold Koh - making huge, important policy decisions. That's why they hate school choice (can't let kids opt out of using textbooks dedicated to pedophiles, now) and the traditional family.

That's why they're so cavalier about mortgaging children's futures. (They're just going to abort theirs anyway.) If they actually disagreed, their actions would demonstrate otherwise.

Until all of the above characters are purged from their respective offices, textbooks dedicated to pedophiles are expressly banned as part of public school curricula, all federal funding to every ACORN associate is actually cut off and a real independent audit takes place, and all deference toward Islam ceases, we must assume that Democrats really, truly want to harm our children.

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