Sunday, September 06, 2009

Rove's Numbers

Discussing public sentiment on Thursday night with Sean Hannity, Karl Rove offered the following numbers relating to Obama and the Democrats in power:

242 days since the inauguration

111 speeches given by President Obama on health care

40 days was the original amount of time given by Obama for Congress to completely overhaul health care

67% of Americans oppose or strongly oppose a government takeover of health care

53% job approval for President Obama as an average of all major polls

50% job approval for President Obama as measured by Gallup; this means Obama dropped to 50% approval faster (by 8/26) than all prior Presidents including Ford (after pardoning Nixon) and Clinton (gays in the military debacle)

40%-47% approve-disapprove ratio relating to Obama

37% job approval for Congress, the lowest in 24 years

45%-44% generic identification Democrat vs. GOP, which signals a major shift

New Jersey's incumbent Democrat Governor trails by 10 points in the latest polling

Virginia's Democrat trails by 9 points for the Governorship

It's way too early to get very excited, but the groundswell of public distaste for the Democrats' poor leadership abilities is becoming clear.

Writing just a couple of weeks after the election, Rove's Wall Street Journal op-ed now appears eerily prescient.

RELIAPUNDIT ADDS: Thanks for cross-posting DR! I just linked to it below!

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