Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Leftist trolls have been spamming this blog for a few days.

Please check out their comments; they prove how despicable and idiotic the left has become.

They love calling me a racist.

Well... er, um - I marched with Dr. Martin Luther King Junior; I was a member of my college's Afro-American Congress and played on their intramural teams; I grew up with black friends and have black friends now, and I have several married friends who are interracial couples and was best man at one of their weddings - yet these leftist scumbags call me racist.

It's become the knee-jerk response of the left: if you hate socialism, then you're a racist.

If you hate shakedown artists and race-baiters like Jackson and Sharpton, and love black truth-tellers like Bill Cosby, Walt Williams, and Thomas Sowell (all of whom have been cited at this blog) - then you're a racist.

The idiotic attacks these leftist trolls have made on me and this blog have been peppered with blatantly anti-Semitic remarks: it proves that Jews and Israel and Israelis are obviously okay to hate for racial reasons if you're a leftist.

And speaking of race and Israel, one of the things in my life I am most proud of is donating many THOUSANDS of dollars to help relocate Ethiopian Jews from Ethiopia to Israel, and money to help them integrate into Israel.

Another idiotic and ignorant point several of these spamming leftists have made is that they argue that me and my blog have been silent on Sudan except to use it as a cudgel to criticize anti-Semites who would heap tons of blame on Israel for things 1/1,000,000th as bad as what had been going on in the Sudan during the same time.

Regular readers know this is nonsense. This blog criticized the lack of action by Bush and Powell on this front, and by Clinton and Kofi Anan for allowing the Rwandan genocide to occur.

Me and my co-bloggers oppose global jihad in large part because we believe in universal human rights for all people of every race EVERYWHERE.

We don't just oppose jihad in Europe; we oppose it in Philippines, in Thailand, in India, in Pakistan, in Afghanistan, in Iran, in Iraq, in Egypt, in Turkey, in Morocco, in Algeria, well: EVERYWHERE.

I have blogged about the dangers of global jihad since BEFORE 9/11 - and even before the Buddhas of Bamiyan were destroyed by jihadists.

Me and my co-bloggers want girls everywhere to have all their innate universal human rights.


Those who favor quotas and PC - the left - are the racists. The left is the hoime of racism.


SO PLEASE: check out their comments: they reveal just how disgusting the Left has become.

I KNOW THE LEFT WELL: I was a leftist for most of my life; my parents were card-carrying members of the CP-USA. I marched AGAINST Reagan. Supported angela Davis, the Black Panthers and carried around Mao's lttle red book.

But when the Berlin Wall fell, my eyes were opened.

I recommend these leftists who are spamming me and my blog open their eyes.

It's not too late.

And one other thing: thanks for driving my blog traffic UP!

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