Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The global economy is in new territory‏ - and it exposes Obama for what he is

The other major economies are out of recession already, but the USA isn't and the dollar is crashing.

The world used to depend on USA consumption and investment - not anymore.

Obama has changed all that for the worse through his crippling tax and spend policies.

Obama and the Left knew this would happen; it's actually been one of the Left's long-term goals: bring the USA down a few notches.

The fact that the so-called Stimulus hasn't been spent (well 10% has - as unemployment goes up 'n up!) proves that the so-called stimulus Package was always meant to be used NEXT year as a carrot and stick to buy "on the fence" Congressmen running for reelection and not as a stimulus at all.

That's how they have always playd the game in Chicago.

Their chief goal is this: wrecking the USA and strengthening The NewLeftist Axis, (the Axis is the Chicago Machine and the Shadow Party of Soros and the Left).

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