Tuesday, September 08, 2009


In more coverage of the Rifqa Bary case, Atlas Shrugs has discovered that a Muslim Facebook group was started that called for her death. It was taken down shortly afterwards and the authorities contacted. It can still be found on the Google cache. The Jawa Report says that the group, which had at least 123 members, was started by one Mohamed Sahlan Suhail, whose own Facebook page has also been erased.

Challenging question now: will the FDLE revise its clearly erroneous claim that they found no threat to Rifqa? And, will the Barys and their lawyer Shayan Elahi apologize for inciting hatred against both her and other Christians? That Elahi would demand she be declared mentally insane should be enough to tell that he's not presenting any reasonable argument on the parents' side.

Update: Nidra Poller writes about this in the Wall Street Journal (also via Atlas Shrugs) and points out how in Europe, authorities are taking steps now to protect targets of honor murders, especially in France.

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