Thursday, September 03, 2009


Last week, Sweden's largest paper published an article which essentially perpetrated a Blood Libel against Israel.

Now there' all of this ...
Norway's global pension fund drops Elbit

Norway finance minister says Israeli company dropped from state's pension fund over "ethical concerns."

'Russia confirms MiG-29M sale to Syria'

Head of Russian aircraft corporation says advanced fighter jets are being supplied to Damascus.

Spanish paper: Irving 'expert' on WWII'

El Monde' article with convicted Holocaust denier will appear a day after interview with Yad Vashem chair.

Anti-Semitism is a barometer of insanity.

If the European media continues to ratchet things up in this way, we are headed for big trouble. And, when I say we, I do not mean "Jews". I am not a Jew. I mean we, as in the whole world.

A society which is so insane as to believe such lies is a society which is living in a chaos of the mind. That chaos of the mind will eventually become manifest.

We all know what happened the last time Europe succumbed to such insane ideas.

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