Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Why Are Union Members Showing Up At Obamacare Town Halls?

A comment from Ellen K:

Why are union members showing up at town hall meetings outside of their district when UNION MEMBERS ARE EXEMPT FROM OBAMACARE? Congress and union are exempt. Unions are exempt because health insurance is part of their collective bargaining contract.

So the only reason that unions would be there, especially when outside of their own district is to intimidate and act as enforcers for the president's cause.

It's going to play pretty badly if some senior gets roughed up by some union thug.

But this also shows that the pressure is working.

On the bad side, Geithner is trying to pass through raising the debt limit as a way of making all these nonsensical legislation appear to be deficit neutral.


  1. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Unions are fucked and so are the people in them.

  2. seiu likes their plan.

    they want the rest of us to be forced in a govt plan to edge the usa toward a socialist state that the union controls.

    andy stern pres of seiu is a socialist.

  3. Resist Obamacare with a shirt http://tinyurl.com/superfreedom

  4. make a shirt with my clunker image
