Thursday, August 27, 2009


Robert Spencer writes on Human Events about how Britain is shutting out free speech in discussing Islam and jihad (Hat tip: The Hot Joints):
The current state of Britain came most clearly into focus, however, not when we visited the mosques, but when we tried to have dinner. I had an illuminating dinner with a group including the notable British author and freedom fighter Douglas Murray that turned out to offer a bracing introduction to British dhimmitude: the dinner had to be moved at the last minute since the proprietors of the George Restaurant in the aptly-named Isle of Dogs district of London didn’t like us discussing jihad and Islamization on the premises. This was despite the fact that the dinner had been planned to be on-camera and had been cleared with the George in advance.

In fact, when I returned to the George the next night with the producers of the film, we were not allowed entry because the previous night we had been discussing jihad and Islamic supremacism.

Were the proprietors of the George Restaurant hard-line Leftists who viewed jihadists as their allies in the struggle against American imperialism? Or were they frightened by the prospect of the local Muslims, who live in that area in considerable numbers, exacting revenge against the place for daring to host a meeting of the Resistance?

Most likely they were afraid of their own government, which frowns upon those who question the wisdom or viability of the multicultural paradise they are intent upon creating. For when we finally tried to assemble in another place a roundtable of concerned British citizens to discuss the problem of the Islamization of Britain, one by one the British participants dropped out. If they appeared on camera, we were told, the government could and probably would threaten their livelihood.
On a related note, some may accuse Scotland's local government body of freeing the horrific terrorist Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, of the masterminds in the Lockerbie bombing, but if they're under control of the government in England, then one has to wonder if the decision to release the vile creature came from the main government, though I fully agree that Scotland's own local government must still shoulder considerable blame for their willingness to release a monster who was also responsible for the murders of many Scots back in 1988. Read this topic at Hot Air, which focuses on the questions of whether al-Megrahi was released as part of a trade for oil contracts. And read also Debbie Schlussel's topics on the Dearbornistan connection to the tragedy at the time.

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