Thursday, June 04, 2009


The White House has finally issued a press statement on the case of the jihadi murder in Little Rock, Arkansas:
“I am deeply saddened by this senseless act of violence against two brave young soldiers who were doing their part to strengthen our armed forces and keep our country safe. I would like to wish Quinton Ezeagwula a speedy recovery, and to offer my condolences and prayers to William Long’s family as they mourn the loss of their son.”
I'm going to be quite honest here, but what Obama is saying is really underwhelming.

Caleb Howe (via Michelle Malkin) finds it underwhelming too:
“It’s in keeping with the Obama administration’s passive language, such as the euphemisms “overseas contingency operation” or “man-caused disaster” … Obama’s statement on the murder of Pvt. William A. Long is just as passive in voice and blame. He’s not outraged, he’s saddened. Not by someone who committed a “heinous act” but rather by a senseless violence. It might have been a bolt of lightning for all the pushback Obama has to share.

He waits three days and then the best he can muster is an abstract sadness at something that, judging by his statement, might well have been a mere accident of fate.
There's some more very disturbing news found as well: Stratfor Research (via Directorblue) tells that the FBI and other law enforcement divisions may have been intentionally prevented from investigating radicalized converts to Islam:
Several weeks ago, STRATFOR heard from sources that the FBI and other law enforcement organizations had been ordered to “back off” of counterterrorism investigations into the activities of Black Muslim converts. At this point, it is unclear to us if that guidance was given by the White House or the Department of Justice, or if it was promulgated by the agencies themselves, anticipating the wishes of President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.
They imply that this was politically motivated, and may have been done out of cultural sensitivity:
...politics have proved obstructive to all facets of counterterrorism policy. And politics may have been at play in the Muhammad case as well as in other cases involving Black Muslim converts...
This is very disturbing, and Congress MUST demand an immediate investigation.

Update: and while we're on the subject, it turns out that Abdulhakim Muhammed wanted to target many more people and sites (H/T: Hot Air):
The Arkansas man accused of killing an Army recruiter and wounding another had used the popular Google Maps application to investigate recruiting centers in at least five states, as well as Jewish institutions, a day-care center, a post office and a Baptist Church, according to a report issued Tuesday evening by the Department of Homeland Security, ABC News has learned.

Recruiting centers in New York, Atlanta, Louisville and Philadelphia were on a list of possible targets, based on evidence found in the home of the suspect, Muslim-convert Abdulhakim Muhammed, according to the report.

The report was prepared based on the evidence seized in a search of Muhammed’s home that included information indicating that he had used Google maps to investigate various locations.

Secure Community Network, a not-for-profit group that addresses security concerns among some of the national Jewish leadership, and is widely considered to be a reliable source on potential threats to that community, expanded on the government report to conclude that, “Muhammad may have considered and conducted research on other targets in addition to the military recruiting center in Little Rock, including military sites, government facilities, as well as Jewish institutions in several cities throughout the United States.

“Law enforcement officials have reported that Muhammad may have researched Jewish entities in Little Rock, Philadelphia, Atlanta, New York, Louisville and Memphis. It is unknown at this time if other locations were considered,” according to SCN, which is a Jewish Federations of North America initiative.
It's clear that in Yemen, he practically studied to become a real assassin. It's fortunate that he was stopped before a lot more damage could be done.

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