Tuesday, June 02, 2009

More WaPo Gushing Over BHO

This time, in an article entitled "Obama's Chow: Politically Palatable," front page in the Style section:
Hamburger lunches from the local carryout joints, the occasional big dinners at white-tablecloth restaurants: On the face of it, Barack and Michelle Obama's dining-out picks may seem a lot like everyone else's, or at least what we aspire to.

But local gastronomes who've been studying the new first couple's dining habits through four months of restaurant visits -- including the president's Five Guys lunch break on Friday, and the Obamas' trip to N.Y.C.'s chic Blue Hill on Saturday night -- see a pattern of deliberate and politically aware choices.

Time and again, they've picked restaurants with the enviro-fashionable ethos of "sustainable" and "locally grown," in keeping with an agenda that includes vegetable gardens and healthy eating. And whether going high or low, the family that promised to be active members of the local community is gravitating toward places with strong D.C. roots....
Read the mind-numbing rest here.

This teeny-bopper idol worship of a President of the United States is disgusting. Furthermore, these sycophantic stories distract the sheeple from paying attention to the leftist, screw-tightening agenda of the BHO administration.

Just imagine how wild the media would go with their gushing should Michelle Obama get pregnant! "Won't happen!" you say. Don't be too sure. The Obamas are having frequent and highly-publicized romantic evenings. My grandmother was about age 44 when my father was born; my mother-in-law the same age when she had her last of four children.

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