Monday, May 11, 2009

Arab King, American President Talk of 57 States (Corrected)

Though speaking almost one year apart, King Abdullah II of Jordan and President Barack Obama seem to have a penchant for the concept of 57 states. In a TimesOnline article this morning about prospects of Middle East peace, Jordan's King Abdullah was quoted by writer Richard Beeston as saying, “This is not a two-state solution, it is a 57-state solution” — a reference to the number of nations of the United Nations that do not recognize Israel. It comes almost one year after then-candidate Obama referred to having visited 57 states during his presidential campaign.

Knowing this country has only 50 states, I conducted research soon after Obama made his statement and discovered logical explanations for his seven mystery states. Click here to read about them.

1 comment:

Punditarian said...

I think it was King Abdullah of Jordan, not King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.