Friday, May 22, 2009


Maybe. Maybe it never really stopped being the focus of evil in the modern world, the empire of evil.

Russia backed the Norks. And backs Iran - by building its nuclear reactors and selling it missiles. Ditto Syria. And via Iran and Syria - Hamas and Hizballah.

They have a lot in common: Jihadists and Baathists are statists, socialists - Iran is socialist, like Russia and Syria and North Korea.

And they have a common foe: the USA and the West.

Russia is really never very helpful to the West - not ANYWHERE: they didn't help us in Afghanistan or in Iraq or in the Middle East, or with the Norks. They havfe never EVER really helped us.

I think that if we could bring Russia to it's knees again... that we could severely weaken the Norks, Iran and Syria and Hamas and Hizballah.

Which is why we should aggressively exploit ALL known reserves of oil and gas (to reduce Europe's dependency on Russia and drive the price down - and on this front, Saudi Arabia could help a lot by turning the spigots WAY WAY UP!).

And we should deploy NMD in Europe, and get much more assertive in Georgia and the Ukraine.

Now is not the time to apologize, appease and retreat - as Obama is doing. This helps Russia and Russia's axis.

We should be turning the heat up on Russia, not down.

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