Thursday, May 07, 2009

If Not for Memo, Torture Might Not Be Issue (Part 2)

By Bob McCarty

Despite the overwhelming success of the Computer Voice Stress Analyzer® while it was used by the U.S. military from 2002-2008, a small group within the Department of Defense bureaucracy — namely the Defense Academy for Credibility Assessment (formerly known as the DoD Polygraph Institute) — has used its position and influence to block the use of this portable lie detector in combat zones by the military services. According to a man with a “chip” in the game, their actions are “doing great damage to our national security by keeping it from the war fighters who need it the most.”

Today, I offer a dozen pieces of evidence that reach across DoD to make a solid argument supporting CVSA® as a better tool than the Preliminary Credibility Assessment Screening System, a cousin to the traditional polygraph, that was designated the “only approved credibility assessment technologies” in the Department of Defense when Under Secretary of Defense James R. Clapper Jr.’s signed a memo to that effect Oct. 29, 2007.

Read all about it in the second in a series of copyrighted articles at Bob McCarty Writes.

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