Thursday, May 07, 2009


In Alexandria, Virginia - long a bastion of liberalism:
Republican Captures Seat in Alexandria:
Council Result Another Setback For Democrats

Republicans captured a seat on the six-member Alexandria City Council last night, defying political trends that have prevailed in the city since 2003 and giving an emotional boost to local party officials.

With all 27 precincts counted last night, supporters of challenger Frank Fannon IV, a banker at SunTrust Mortgage, were jubilant about breaking the Democratic stranglehold on the council.

"A lot of people in Alexandria thought there was no way Republicans can win," Fannon said. "The citizens of Alexandria are ready for a change -- and not having a one-party system. People like to have options."

The GOP victory is the latest in a series of wins in low-turnout elections in Northern Virginia that have been taken as a sign of resurgence for an otherwise embattled party....

A second Republican-backed candidate won a seat on the council as well....


In a city that went 72 percent for President Obama in November, Republicans were counting on some Democrats and independents to cross over. In interviews outside polling places, some residents said they split their votes, preferring to back individuals rather than vote along party lines....

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